Sunday, May 23, 2010

This is one of my favorite photos of Gunnar and I. Part of my "mom job" was to record life through photos. I have hundreds of photos documenting Gunnar's childhood but only a few of he and I together. For this photo, we set the self timer on the camera and jumped on the couch--just in time for the camera to click. The self timer on the camera brings on the laughter, so for this photo we were laughing before we landed on the couch. Gunnar was fresh out of bed and was not an enthusiastic participant--until the timer was set--then ---game on. As his Mom, I am biased , but he is "All kinds of handsome".

1 comment:

  1. Oh, he is all kinds of handsome, for sure, even to those of us who are NOT his mom! I love this picture, too, because it shows that shared humor between the two of you. What a pair you made! God certainly gave you the very best, and you did the best with what you were given, sister.

    I liked Gunnar immediately, and grew to admire and love him, because he was just as beautiful and handsome inside as he was on the outside.
    The highest compliment I could give you and Gunnar was when I asked you if we could arrange a marriage between him and Katie. *sigh* What beautiful grandbabies we would have shared, if it had happened. As it is, I imagine they are with Hayden in heaven, having the best possible time.
    Thank you for posting this. Keep the photos coming - I love them, and love you!
